Policies, Procedures, and Forms


Welcome to the Policies, Procedures, and Forms page of Rosehill College. This section provides access to our key policies, procedures, and forms, ensuring you have all the necessary information and tools to navigate your academic and support processes. Select the relevant category below to explore the documents available.

Academic Policies

  1. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy
    • Document Number: AIP-001
    • Description: Establishes standards for academic honesty and penalties for plagiarism.
    • Read the Full Policy
  2. Student Attendance and Participation Policy
    • Document Number: SAP-001
    • Description: Sets attendance requirements and expectations for student engagement.
    • Read the Full Policy
  3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy
    • Document Number: RPL-001
    • Description: Describes how prior learning and external credits are recognized.
    • Read the Full Policy
  4. Course Progress and Attendance Policy
    • Document Number: CPA-001
    • Description: Monitors and supports student progress and attendance.
    • Read the Full Policy

Student Support Policies

  1. Student Support Policy
    • Document Number: SSP-001
    • Description: Provides support services to enhance student well-being and academic success.
    • Read the Full Policy
  2. Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) Policy
    • Document Number: LLN-001
    • Description: Supports the development of LLN skills.
    • Read the Full Policy
  3. Complaints and Appeals Policy
    • Document Number: CAP-001
    • Description: Outlines the process for handling complaints and appeals.
    • Read the Full Policy
  4. Health and Safety Policy
    • Document Number: HSP-001
    • Description: Ensures a safe environment for all members of the college.
    • Read the Full Policy
  5. Privacy Policy
    • Document Number: PP-001
    • Description: Manages the collection, use, and protection of personal information.
    • Read the Full Policy
  6. Data Protection and Privacy Policy
    • Document Number: ADM-003
    • Description: This policy outlines Rosehill College’s approach to managing and protecting personal information, ensuring compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.
    • Read the Full Policy
  7. Student Welfare and Counseling Policy
    • Document Number: SWC-001
    • Description: Provides information on welfare and counseling support.
    • Read the Full Policy
  8. Disability Support and Accommodation Policy
    • Document Number: DSA-001
    • Description: Details services and accommodations for students with disabilities.
    • Read the Full Policy
  9. International Student Support Policy
    • Document Number: ISS-001
    • Description: Offers support guidelines for international students.
    • Read the Full Policy
  10. Student Feedback and Evaluation Policy
    • Document Number: SFE-001
    • Description: Encourages and manages student feedback.
    • Read the Full Policy
  11. Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy
    • Document Number: EOA-001
    • Description: Promotes equal opportunity and addresses discrimination.
    • Read the Full Policy

Financial Policies

  1. Financial Support/Scholarship Policy for Domestic Students
    • Document Number: FIN-001
    • Description: Guidelines for providing financial support and scholarships.
    • Read the Full Policy
  2. Fees and Refunds Policy
    • Document Number: FIN-002
    • Description: Outlines fees, payment terms, and refund policies.
    • Read the Full Policy
  3. Tuition Fee Discount Policy
    • Document Number: FIN-003
    • Description: Policy for applying and managing tuition fee discounts.
    • Read the Full Policy


  1. Complaints and Appeals Handling Procedure
    • Document Number: CAP-P-001
    • Description: Steps for lodging and handling complaints and appeals.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  2. Health and Safety Incident Response Procedure
    • Document Number: HSP-P-001
    • Description: Guidelines for reporting and responding to health and safety incidents.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  3. Financial Support Disbursement Procedure
    • Document Number: FIN-P-003
    • Description: Process for applying and receiving financial support and scholarships.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  4. Fees Collection and Refund Procedure
    • Document Number: FIN-P-002
    • Description: Detailed steps for fees collection and requesting refunds.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  5. Disability Support Procedure
    • Document Number: DSA-P-001
    • Description: Process for applying for disability support and accommodations.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  6. International Student Support Procedure
    • Document Number: ISS-P-001
    • Description: Guidelines for supporting the needs of international students.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  7. RPL Assessment Procedure
    • Document Number: RPL-P-001
    • Description: Steps for applying for Recognition of Prior Learning.
    • Read the Full Procedure
  8. Student Support Services Procedure
    • Document Number: SSP-P-001
    • Description: Procedure for accessing and utilizing student support services.
    • Read the Full Procedure


  1. Application Form Online
  2. New Student Registration and Orientation Form Online
  3. Support Services Request Form Online
  4. Refund Request Form Online
  5. Counseling Request Form Online
  6. Disability Support Application Form Online
  7. International Student Support Request Form Online
  8. Feedback Form Online
  9. Discrimination Report Form Online
  10. RPL Application Form Online
  11. Credit Transfer Form Online
  12. Submit an Absence Notification
  13. Appeal an Attendance Decision
  14. Internal Course Transfer Application Form
  15. Deferral Application Form
  16. Withdrawal Application Form
  17. Change of Education Agent Request Form
  18. Application for Special Leave Form

Contact Information

For assistance with any of the policies, procedures, or forms, please contact:

Rosehill College
Level 2 & 4, 616-620 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Phone: +61 (02) 7228 0008
Email: info@rosehillcollege.edu.au

Rosehill College
Your partner in educational excellence and support