Student Support Services Procedure

Document Title: Student Support Services Procedure

Document Number: SSP-P-001

Effective Date: June 8, 2024

Review Date: June 8, 2025

1. Purpose

This procedure outlines the steps for accessing and utilizing student support services at Rosehill College. It ensures that students receive the necessary assistance and resources to enhance their academic success and well-being.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all students and staff at Rosehill College involved in the provision and utilization of student support services. It covers the application, delivery, and monitoring of various support services.

3. Definitions

  • Student Support Services: A range of services provided to assist students with academic, personal, and social issues.
  • Student Service Officer: A designated staff member responsible for coordinating student support services.
  • Support Request: A formal request by a student to access specific support services.
  • Intervention Plan: A plan developed to address identified student needs and provide appropriate support.

4. Procedure

4.1 Accessing Student Support Services

  1. Initial Inquiry:
    • Information: Provide information on available support services during student orientation and on the Rosehill College website.
    • Consultation: Offer an initial consultation with the Student Service Officer to discuss the student’s needs.
  2. Submit Support Request:
    • Form: Complete the Support Services Request Form available online or from the Student Service Officer.
    • Submission: Submit the completed form to the Student Service Officer via email or in person.
  3. Document Checklist:
    • Ensure Submission: Check the documentation checklist before submitting the request to ensure all necessary information is included.
    • Formats Accepted: Accepted file formats include PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, PNG, with a maximum file size of 10 MB per file.

4.2 Coordination of Support Services

  1. Initial Assessment:
    • Meeting: Arrange a meeting between the student and the Student Service Officer to discuss the support request.
    • Plan Development: Develop an Intervention Plan outlining the specific support services to be provided.
    • Documentation: Provide the student with a copy of the intervention plan and guidelines for accessing the services.
  2. Service Provision:
    • Academic Support: Provide tutoring, study skills workshops, and academic advising.
    • Personal Support: Offer counseling, health and wellness services, and referrals to external support agencies.
    • Financial Support: Assist with applications for scholarships, grants, and financial aid.
    • Disability Support: Provide accommodations and support for students with disabilities.

4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Follow-Up:
    • Check-In: Schedule regular check-ins with the student to monitor the effectiveness of the support services provided.
    • Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments to the intervention plan based on the student’s feedback and progress.
  2. Evaluation:
    • Review: Evaluate the outcomes of the support services provided.
    • Feedback: Collect feedback from students on the effectiveness of the services and areas for improvement.

4.4 Appeals Process

  1. Submit Appeal:
    • Form: Complete the Support Services Appeal Form if dissatisfied with the support services provided.
    • Timeline: Submit the appeal within 14 days of receiving the support services.
  2. Review Appeal:
    • Committee: The Student Support Services Committee reviews the appeal and makes a decision within 10 working days.
    • Outcome: Communicate the final decision to the appellant in writing.

4.5 Documentation and Record Keeping

  1. Maintain Records:
    • Requests: Keep accurate records of all support service requests and decisions.
    • Plans: Maintain copies of all intervention plans and related documentation.
    • Secure Storage: Store records securely for a minimum of 7 years.
  2. Confidentiality:
    • Access: Restrict access to support service records to authorized personnel only.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Student Service Officer

  • Role: Manage the support services request process, provide information, and coordinate support services.
  • Responsibility: Ensure students receive the necessary support and resources.

5.2 Student Support Services Committee

  • Role: Review support requests, develop intervention plans, and handle appeals.
  • Responsibility: Ensure fair and effective management of student support services.

5.3 Teaching and Support Staff

  • Role: Provide academic support and offer feedback on the effectiveness of support services.
  • Responsibility: Ensure students receive appropriate support and resources.

6. Review Compliance

  1. Monthly Review:
    • Meetings: Include student support services processes in the monthly Student Services Meeting agenda.
  2. Annual Review:
    • Tool: Use the ASQA RTO Self-assessment tool template for the annual review.
    • Audit: Include student support services processes in the annual compliance audit.

7. Document Control

  • Version Number: V1.0
  • Approved By: CEO
  • Approval Date: June 8, 2024
  • Review Date: June 8, 2025