Complaints and Appeals Handling Procedure

Document Title: Complaints and Appeals Handling Procedure

Document Number: CAP-P-001

Effective Date: June 8, 2024

Review Date: June 8, 2025

1. Purpose

This procedure outlines the steps for lodging and handling complaints and appeals at Rosehill College, ensuring a fair, transparent, and efficient process for all parties involved.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all staff, students, and third parties associated with Rosehill College. It covers the lodging and management of:

  • Complaints against Rosehill College, its staff, students, or third-party service providers.
  • Appeals regarding decisions made by Rosehill College, including assessment decisions.

3. Definitions

  • Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction regarding a service or decision made by Rosehill College.
  • Appeal: A request to review and potentially change a decision made by Rosehill College.
  • Complainant: A person who lodges a complaint.
  • Appellant: A person who lodges an appeal.
  • Resolution Institute: An independent mediator for domestic student appeals.
  • Overseas Students Ombudsman (OSO): An independent mediator for international student appeals.

4. Procedure

4.1 Lodging a Complaint or Appeal

  1. Complete the Form:
    • Complaints: Use the Complaints Form available from the college administration or on the college website.
    • Appeals: Use the Appeal Form available for decisions to be reviewed.
  2. Submit the Form:
    • Method: Submit the form via email to [email protected] or in person at the college administration office.
    • Timeline: Complaints should be submitted within 30 calendar days of the incident. Appeals should be submitted within 30 calendar days of the decision.

4.2 Acknowledgment of Complaint or Appeal

  1. Acknowledge Receipt:
    • Timeline: Send written acknowledgment within 3 working days of receiving the complaint or appeal.
    • Details: Include confirmation of receipt and a summary of the process that will follow.

4.3 Review Process

  1. Initial Review:
    • Timeline: Commence the review within 5 working days of receipt.
    • Assignment: Allocate the review to a relevant and impartial staff member or committee.
  2. Investigation:
    • Process: Conduct a thorough investigation, including meetings with involved parties and gathering necessary evidence.
    • Fairness: Ensure all parties are informed of allegations and have the opportunity to present their case.
  3. Completion:
    • Timeline: Finalize the review within 30 calendar days. Provide regular updates if the process takes longer.
  4. Outcome Communication:
    • Method: Communicate the outcome in writing, including the reasons for the decision.

4.4 Handling Simple and Complex Cases

  1. Simple Cases:
    • Resolution: Resolve straightforward complaints and appeals quickly, typically within 10 working days.
  2. Complex Cases:
    • Extended Review: For complex cases, provide regular updates and ensure a thorough investigation.

4.5 Support During Process

  1. Support Person:
    • Right: Complainants and appellants may have a support person present at any meetings.
  2. Independent Assessment:
    • Appeals: An independent assessor will review any assessment decisions that are being appealed.

4.6 Enrollment During the Complaints Process

  1. Domestic Students:
    • Maintenance: Enrollment is maintained throughout the complaints process unless the complaint involves misconduct.
  2. International Students:
    • Maintenance: Enrollment is maintained during internal appeals without notifying the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) via PRISMS, depending on the appeal type.

4.7 Independent Appeal Process

  1. Referral:
    • Mediator: If internal processes are unsuccessful, refer the case to an independent mediator.
    • Domestic Students: Use the Resolution Institute for domestic student appeals.
    • International Students: Use the Overseas Students Ombudsman (OSO) for international student appeals.
  2. Cooperation:
    • Compliance: Cooperate fully with the mediation process and implement any decisions or recommendations promptly.

4.8 External Bodies for Complaints

4.9 Documentation and Record Keeping

  1. File Forms:
    • Procedure: File the received Complaints and Appeals Form.
  2. Acknowledge Receipt:
    • Procedure: Acknowledge receipt within 3 working days.
  3. Register Complaints:
    • Procedure: Record details in the complaints and appeals register.
  4. Document Investigations:
    • Procedure: Document all investigations, meetings, and outcomes.
  5. Archive Records:
    • Procedure: Maintain and archive records securely.

4.10 Review Compliance

  1. Monthly Review:
    • Agenda: Include complaints and appeals in the monthly RTO Management Meeting agenda.
  2. Annual Review:
    • Tool: Use the ASQA RTO Self-assessment tool template Section 6 Completion for the annual review.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 CEO

  • Role: Investigate complaints and appeals and make decisions in conjunction with relevant parties.

5.2 Academic Manager

  • Role: Assist in investigating and making decisions, and facilitate external decisions as needed.

5.3 Administration and Student Support Officer

  • Role: Process and file complaints and appeals documentation, and assist students throughout the process.

6. Document Control

  • Version Number: V1.2
  • Approved By: CEO
  • Approval Date: June 8, 2024
  • Review Date: June 8, 2025