Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy

Document Title: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy
Document Number: RPL-001
Effective Date: June 8, 2024
Review Date: June 8, 2025

1. Purpose

This policy outlines Rosehill College’s approach to recognizing prior learning and external credits toward qualifications or units of competency. It aligns with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, the ESOS Act, and the National Code 2018. The policy ensures that previously acquired skills, knowledge, and qualifications are fairly assessed and credited, facilitating efficient learning pathways and reducing duplication of learning.

2. Relevant Standards

  • Standards for RTOs 2015: Clauses 1.8, 1.12, 5.1, and 5.2.
  • ESOS Act
  • National Code 2018: Standards 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5.

3. Definitions

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): The assessment of an individual’s previously unrecognized skills and knowledge against the requirements of a unit of competency or qualification.

Credit Transfer: The process of granting credits for units of competency completed at another Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or educational institution.

4. Policy Statements

4.1 General Principles

  • Eligibility: All learners enrolled in a course at Rosehill College are eligible to apply for RPL and credit transfer.
  • Scope: RPL and credit transfer apply to units within Rosehill College’s scope of registration.
  • Application Timing: Learners are encouraged to apply for RPL or credit transfer before commencing their course to facilitate efficient learning paths.
  • Cost: There are no additional charges for applying for RPL or credit transfer for enrolled learners.
  • Assessment Standards: RPL assessments adhere to the principles of assessment and rules of evidence.

4.2 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • Assessment Process: RPL involves assessing an individual’s skills and knowledge acquired through formal, informal, or non-formal learning against the unit of competency requirements.
  • Evidence Requirements: Applicants must provide sufficient, valid, authentic, and current evidence to support their RPL claims.
  • Forms of Evidence: May include work records, workplace training, skills assessments, third-party reports, and other relevant documentation.
  • Assessment Outcome: RPL is granted for whole units of competency based on the evidence provided and assessed.

4.3 Credit Transfer

  • Assessment Process: Credit transfer involves recognizing previously completed units of competency from another RTO or accredited institution.
  • Evidence Requirements: Applicants must provide official transcripts or statements of attainment as evidence.
  • Automatic Granting: Credits are automatically granted if the units match the competencies required by the course at Rosehill College.
  • Course Duration Impact: Granting credit may affect the duration of the course and international students’ CoE.

4.4 Notification for International Students

  • Course Duration: Inform international students that granted credits may affect their course duration and CoE.
  • Visa Implications: Advise international students of any visa implications due to changes in course duration.

5. Procedures

5.1 RPL Procedure

  1. Provide Information: Inform learners about RPL opportunities and processes.
  2. Self-Assessment: Encourage self-assessment to determine suitability for RPL.
  3. Planning Interview: Conduct a planning interview to identify evidence.
  4. Compile Evidence: Submit a Recognition Evidence Report with supporting documents.
  5. Review and Feedback: Assessors review evidence and provide feedback.
  6. Appeals: Direct learners to the appeals process if dissatisfied with outcomes.
  7. Record and Issue Outcomes: Record outcomes and issue statements of attainment or qualifications as applicable.

5.2 Credit Transfer Procedure

  1. Provide Information: Inform learners about credit transfer opportunities and processes.
  2. Submit Evidence: Submit official transcripts or statements of attainment.
  3. Review Evidence: Assessors review and verify the evidence.
  4. Grant Credits: Automatically grant credits for matching units.
  5. Notify Outcomes: Inform learners of the credit transfer outcomes and any impact on course duration.
  6. Notify International Students: Advise international students on changes to CoE and visa implications.

6. Responsibilities

6.1 Academic Manager

  • Review Applications: Ensure proper review of RPL and credit transfer applications.
  • Approval: Approve RPL and credit transfer outcomes.

6.2 Administration Manager

  • Implementation: Manage the RPL and credit transfer processes and maintain records.
  • Awareness: Ensure staff understand and implement the policy.

6.3 All Staff

  • Compliance: Follow the RPL and credit transfer policy and procedures.

7. Document Control

Version Number: V1.1
Approved By: CEO
Approval Date: June 8, 2024
Review Date: June 8, 2025

Recognition Process

To apply for recognition or credit transfer, please complete the relevant forms below:

Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected].

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