Career Services

Preparing for your future career starts now. Our Career Services are designed to help you transition from education to employment successfully by connecting you with external resources and support.

Job Placement Assistance

Get help finding job opportunities that match your skills and interests. Our Student Service Officers can assist you by:

  • Job Search Assistance: Providing personalized support in your job search, including help with job applications, crafting cover letters, and interview preparation.
  • Employer Connections: Leveraging partnerships with local businesses and industries to identify job openings and match you with suitable positions.
  • Ongoing Support: Offering continuous job placement support even after graduation, ensuring you have the resources to secure the right position.

Resume Workshops

Enhance your resume with expert advice facilitated by our Student Service Officers, connecting you with external career services. Workshops cover:

  • Resume Writing Tips: Learning the key components of a strong resume, including formatting, content, and tailoring your resume to specific job applications.
  • Personal Branding: Developing a professional online presence and crafting a compelling personal statement.
  • Feedback and Review: Receiving personalized feedback on your resume to ensure it meets industry standards.

Internship Opportunities

Discover internships that align with your field of study and career aspirations through our network of external partners. Our services include:

  • Internship Matching: Connecting you with companies offering internships relevant to your course and career goals.
  • Application Support: Providing guidance on how to apply for internships, including help with cover letters and interview preparation.
  • Workplace Skills Development: Gaining practical skills and experience that enhance your employability and prepare you for the workforce.

Contact Us

For more information or to access our career services, please contact our Student Service Officer, Yu-ni Chiu:

Feel free to reach out for any additional information or assistance you may need. We’re here to help you succeed in your career!