Application Procedure for Financial Support/Scholarships

1. Introduction

This document outlines the steps domestic students must follow to apply for financial support or scholarships at Rosehill College. It includes details on required documentation, submission processes, and timelines.

2. Eligibility Criteria

To apply for financial support or scholarships, applicants must:

  • Be applying for or currently enrolled in a full-time or part-time accredited program at Rosehill College.
  • Demonstrate financial need with appropriate documentation.
  • Meet academic admission requirements.
  • Not be receiving other financial support that covers tuition fees in full.

Refer to the Financial Support/Scholarship Policy for Domestic Students for detailed eligibility criteria.

3. Required Documentation

Applicants must prepare the following documents:

  • Completed Application Form: Fill out the Tuition Fee Discount Application Form.
  • Income Statements: Recent income statements or pay slips.
  • Tax Returns: Latest tax returns.
  • Personal Statement: Detailing financial hardship and need for support.
  • Proof of Application: Documentation verifying application or enrollment at Rosehill College.
  • Identification Document: A valid form of identification (e.g., passport, driver’s license).

Refer to the Documentation Checklist for a detailed list of required documents.

4. Application Steps

Step 1: Complete the Application Form

Step 2: Gather Required Documentation

  • Prepare Documents: Collect all necessary documents listed in the Required Documentation section.
  • Format: Ensure documents are in accepted formats (PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, PNG) and do not exceed 10 MB per file.

Step 3: Submit the Application

  • Upload Documents: Use the file upload feature on the application form to submit all required documents.
  • Submit Form: Complete and submit the form online through the Rosehill College portal.

Step 4: Confirmation of Submission

  • Email Confirmation: You will receive an email confirmation once your application is successfully submitted.
  • Check Portal: Log in to your student portal to verify submission status.

5. Review and Notification Process

Initial Review

  • Completeness Check: Applications are initially reviewed for completeness and compliance with eligibility criteria.


  • Financial Assessment: The Financial Support Committee evaluates applications based on financial need and supporting documentation.

Decision Notification

  • Email and Portal: Applicants will be notified of the decision via email and the online portal within 30 days of submission.

6. Notification and Acceptance

Approval Notification

  • Successful applicants will receive an approval notification.

Acceptance Form

  • Complete the Tuition Fee Discount Acceptance Form within 14 days to confirm acceptance.

7. Appeals Process

Submit Appeal

  • If your application is denied, submit an Appeal Form within 14 days of the decision notification.

Review and Final Decision

  • The Financial Support Committee reviews appeals, and final decisions are communicated within 14 days.

8. Confidentiality

Data Protection

  • All application information is kept confidential and used solely for assessing eligibility.

Restricted Access

  • Only authorized personnel have access to application details.

9. Contact Information

For assistance with the application process or additional information, contact the Admissions Office:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +61 (02) 7228 0008
  • Office Location: Level 2 & 4, 616-620 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

10. Related Documents

11. Review of Procedure

This procedure document is reviewed annually by the Financial Support Committee to ensure it remains current and effective.

Rosehill College
Level 2 & 4, 616-620 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Phone: +61 (02) 7228 0008

Policy Maintenance

  • Last Edited: June 7, 2024
  • Next Review Date: June 7, 2025